

Embark on a melodious journey with Alma Mater’s Music section, a collaborative venture with the talented minds of Berklee College of Music. Within this space, we’re dedicated to providing an inclusive platform for the diverse expression and exploration of musical passions, covering everything from the history of musical genres like jazz, rock, and techno to the nuances of instruments, renowned artists, and impactful musical events, including concerts.

Due to the novel nature of the initiative, we are currently working on upcoming articles in the Music category, which will be published here.

Stay tuned!

Our vision can only materialize with the engagement of distinct student voices,  so if you harbor a passion for journalism, writing, artistic expression, or any other subject you would like to share, the stage is set, and the spotlight is on you. 

Contact us at, and tell us about a subject that you would like to write about. You can also join our diverse cadre of individuals who breathe life into the very spirit of Alma Mater. More than a journal, we are a vibrant community, a haven for forging connections, and a catalyst for your integration into Parisian life. Help us create a community by sharing your passion for music.