The Marginalization of Mesoamerican Indigenous Women in Mainstream Feminism: Recognizing Overlooked Subjectivities

The Marginalization of Mesoamerican Indigenous Women in Mainstream Feminism: Recognizing Overlooked Subjectivities “[T]here is no way out of coloniality from within modern categories of thought.”  – Gabriela Veronelli,  “A coalitional approach to theorizing decolonial communication” Although contemporary, Western society may no longer be overtly colonial or patriarchal, its structures remain deeply shaped by these legacies. …

Do We Need Custodians of Knowledge?

Nietzsche suggested “There are no facts, only interpretations.” This raises questions surrounding the subjectivity of knowledge, and therefore the need for people who can accurately interpret data and findings to formulate what can be identified as knowledge. A custodian is somebody with the responsibility of taking care of something, and – in the context of …

Afterimages of the Economy of Aesthetics

This article constitutes a montage of fragments of a work titled ‘L’Économie d’esthétique: La fonctionnalisation performative de la production cinématographique vis-à-vis de la pratique de l’art révolutionnaire’ translated and simplified as the mind does with images that no longer strike our consciousness but reappear sometimes with a nostalgic whiff to remind us of something that …

Territoriality on the Autopsy Table 

The burgeon of blood, body and roots under a convergent control of territory and corporeality hace bien si llovemos mi pueblo torrencial donde estemos                             allá                                    o en cualquier parte sobre todo si somos la lluvia y el solar la lluvia y las pupilas y los muros la bóveda la lluvia y el ranchito el río …