The last show – Part 2 : trials of a new era.

Trump’s trial was long awaited since his first impeachment charges last December. The Capitol attack caused more charges to be brought up against him, and the Senate’s decision was announced a few days ago. Throwback to the proceedings of an unprecedented political process after months of tension.  Charges and stakes As many question the Capitol’s …

US elections : tension at its peak

While Joe Biden is about to take on his role as 46th president of the United States, this article first published in November takes you back to the election days of this unique presidential campaign.  Everything now sets them against each other. The two big American political parties, Democrats and Republicans, although historically accustomed to …

Élections américaines : la tension est à son comble

Pour la première fois de son histoire, l’élection présidentielle américaine a attiré l’attention de l’International Crisis Group, une ONG chargée d’identifier et d’avertir sur de potentiels conflits meurtriers dans le monde. Celle-ci déclare que cette élection est différente des précédentes et qu’«il est concevable que la violence puisse éclater pendant le vote ou le dépouillement.» …